What do others think of you? How do they see you? How do they perceive you?
I introduce myself,
I am Gemma Prudencio, cosmetologist pharmacist and beauty advisor, founder of the cosmeceutical brand Gemma's Dream , with which I help women correct the signs of aging through a line of innovative cosmetic products, skin Boosters and personalized treatments. online for every skin and woman.

The formulas of my line have been awarded in Innovation and Quality and Research 2020 by LA RAZÓN in the A TU SALUD Awards, and in the Pasteur Awards of the European Economics Association. In recognition of the 20 years of experience I have as a pharmacist formulating cosmetics, until 2018 I decided to create my own brand Gemma's Dream.
Over the years I have created an image of myself, which I hope is what I really want to convey: Passion for what I do, quality, confidence and experience.
I have been dedicating myself for more than 20 years to improving people's image, their skin and motivating them to follow Beautylife routines and lifestyle.
I transform the skin and the being, improving self-esteem.
Did you know that we are essentially visual?
Which implies that the skin is part of our business card, I would say that 80% and the rest would be made up of the person's attitude and style (dress, aroma... which must be in line with the person's character, feeling comfortable with the clothes and the scent).

The image is what we see but also what we perceive and sometimes it can be wrong.
Someone may judge us negatively, affecting our reputation. Which should not affect us, as it could cause stress. Besides, we can't please everyone.
A personal brand represents all those attributes and benefits that people perceive about oneself, the way of being, doing, values... This combination of factors creates a reference of perceptions in others, which sometimes we are not aware of.
The more we learn to be aware of our brand or personal footprint the better.
It is about observing ourselves from within as spectators of ourselves, to analyze where we can improve and enhance our talents.
We must find our essence, be to later have and then take actions to promote ourselves.
We do not achieve a brand image or personal brand quickly: This is a work of years.
We must keep in mind that small actions make great achievements, and thanks to failures we achieve successes.
Did you know that the skin and emotions are closely linked .
In my philosophy of life, Beautylife , the challenge is to learn every day to manage our emotions, being exemplary and empathetic, not doing to others what we would not like them to do to us.
Communication between the people around me must be as clear and transparent as possible.
Every day I wake up to see who I can inspire, convince that anything is possible and encourage people to follow health, beauty and well-being routines . Keys to a good image and personal brand.
The connection between the skin and our nervous system is so important that now that stress is here to stay...we have to learn to breathe, relax to prevent outbreaks of eczema, dermatitis, rosacea, psoriasis, etc.
The claims of Gemma's Dream, my brand of products:
- If you look good you feel good.
- Glow your skin&soul
We have to learn to lead ourselves and be affected as little as possible by the environment in which we live, since we can only influence it, and sometimes not even that.
If we believe in ourselves and are exemplary in what we feel, say and do, people will believe in us.
To enhance our image there must be a connection with our soul.
I believe in an authentic image, with cared for skin that shines from the soul , that implies an important emotional balance.
Of course this is valued with daily work, some routines that I can teach you.
We will have to carry out a series of routines, sports, good nutrition, meditation exercises and apply a series of products, the more personalized the better.
Personal success precedes professional success.
If you believe in yourself, you believe.
Personal and professional DNA must be in accordance. And our communication is key.
It is key to have an authentic, real story that we know how to explain.
Beauty routines to transform your skin:
- Daily cleaning
- Hydration/firmness
- Correction of signs of aging with specific active ingredients to treat expression lines, dark circles, bags...
- Applying antioxidants is key to providing light to our skin.
- And don't stop having illusions. Dreams rejuvenate our soul.