At Gems Beauty we connect our health, beauty and well-being holistically .
The Rituals follow a practice based on mindfulness. People are transformed in a single session.

In our centers with the beautylife seal, the professional surrounds you with aromatherapy, mindfulness music, temperature and soft, relaxing light. Not to put you to sleep, but to feel full awareness of what they are doing to you: calming your mind, revitalizing your mind and your skin.

Mindfulness means full attention . And it is a meditation technique and practice that seeks to train the mind to focus attention and redirect thoughts to the current moment.
Many of us practice mindfulness to reduce stress, improve concentration, thus increasing emotional well-being.
How to practice it at home? I invite you to do this exercise with me:
. Find a quiet place where you can't get distracted.
. Keep your breathing relaxed, deep and even.
. Focus your attention on what you are doing at that moment, always with a comfortable posture, sitting in a chair or lying down.
. My attitude is always an open and positive attitude and yours should be the same ;)
I took an MBSR course, Mindfulness to reduce stress based on mindfulness, and I have to tell you that it is incredible how the mind gradually adapts better to stressful situations, instead of carrying a chemical tranquilizer... In a situation of strong anguish and stress that can escape me, you learn to focus on deep breathing, I also always take a guided meditation from my teacher at Mindfulness Barcelona, Mr Lacueva.
Of course, I can tell you that this practice, together with Energyprodetox , our star detoxifying nutritional supplement, has contributed to feeling great. Your body, in addition to antioxidants, needs specific vitamins and liver-purifying extracts, which detoxify your body and this will be noticed in your mind. Therefore, opt for a complete holistic treatment.
But Mindfulness worked so well for me that I thought... why not adapt it to my Beautylife rituals?
We have introduced our routine to mindfulness, and we have created this super ritual that I invite you to practice every night, before going to sleep.
What will you achieve with Mindful beauty
- Reduce daily cortisol, the stress hormone, and the anxiety that sometimes keeps you awake, which will help improve topical active ingredients and foods after dinner.
- It will help you have more confidence and self-assurance to meet your daily challenges, with a clearer and calmer mind.
- By learning to breathe deeply, you oxygenate your body and mind and, collaterally, your skin.
First of all, we stand in front of the mirror and smile at life, being grateful that we are here. Each one with our problems, but with a positive attitude, willing to solve them. Accepting that problems do not have immediate solutions and we must have a clear mind, without stress, so as not to make mistakes in making decisions.
The smile is the first step of the ritual; With this you put 42 facial muscles in motion, sending electrochemical signals to the brain, releasing endorphins (neurotransmitter of happiness).
The smile is an instant emotional booster, improving the mood.
The second thing we do is conscious facial cleansing, each skin will need its own cleanser.
Cleanser Balm oil is for all skin types but, above all, combination-dry; It is rich in avocado, flax, argan and coconut oils; It removes pollution and makeup very well.
We proceed to prepare the skin and mind; the skin with Glicolpeel Dtox , performing an exfoliation, and the mind, breathing deeply while you do it.
We pay all attention to deep breathing while doing the peeling.
We apply Glicolpeel dtox with our hands, so that it does not get into the eye, carefully.
Do not use if you are intolerant to AHAs, such as glycolic acid.
We let it act while we start breathing:
Breathe in through your nose, concentrate on this, and expel it through your mouth. Fill your lungs, count to five while inhaling, hold the breath for 1 second and exhale longer, counting to six. With these breaths, and Glicolpeel , you will have renewed your skin and mind.
As you know. We have routines to revitalize, to hydrate, for dry and photo-aged skin, for sagging skin or to lighten spots (depigmentation).
In all of them there are these two steps in common: Cleaning and preparation.
We move on to the next step of the routine.
Let's talk about the Christmas Routine for example:
We will apply Revital Premium booster , with encapsulated active ingredients , to work the skin from within with our hands. Vitamin C in gold and glutathione microparticles, and retinol, can be combined in this formula, thanks to the fact that they are encapsulated. Furthermore, as they are liquid boosters , they penetrate much better inter and intra cellular.
As I always say: efficiency, effectiveness and selectivity go directly to the cells where they should go.
We will do a gentle massage at first, so that it is well absorbed. And then we will proceed to several facial yoga exercises (which you can discover on my Instagram profile) with our hands but also with beauty tools that you can purchase in our store.

It is important that, when you apply the booster, you observe your sensations: the smell, the texture... feel how it penetrates and fully immerse yourself in the experience, don't think about anything else. The music, the aroma, the temperature and the light should be pleasant.
The exercises can be isometric or massage, pampering yourself. Caresses are the language of rejuvenating our soul...
It is important to remember that if you go to the gym to strengthen your body, you should also do the same with your facial muscles, to prevent sagging and wrinkles.
For dry skin, we will finish the treatment with Supreme Revival serum in oil , an excellent sealer, with a sensual aroma and a unique texture that helps to plump up flaccid skin and has a sealing barrier function compared to more liquid skinboosters.
What do you achieve with this mindful beauty revitalizing Christmas Ritual routine?
Shine brighter than anyone else, with serenity and balance.
CONCLUSION: Mindfulness adapted to beauty is Mindful beauty,
Self-esteem helps you be happy and feel good.
Mindful beauty improves your self-esteem, helps you get to know yourself and gives you balance and serenity.
On a professional level, they practice it in our centers, taking into account all these beauty routines and exercises, in addition to doing a study to personalize the treatments at home.
Routines and rituals go hand in hand.
Gemma Prudencio Sancho
CEO&Founder Gems Beauty