Planifica tus sueños y alcánzalos, Gemma's Dream Beautylife

Plan your dreams and achieve them, Gemma's Dream Beautylife

There are people who live dreaming, while others, when asked what their dream is, do not know.

A dream begins with a vision , we visualize it, just like when we dream of having a child: we get pregnant and plan the entire pregnancy; At that moment we are already visualizing it, even if we do not see the baby we feel and notice it. One falls in love with the dream before achieving it.

To build a dream, first, you must see it within yourself, internalize it.

What you think about the most is what will become reality. We need to visualize it frequently.

People who fail say it is because they are not clear about their dream. If you don't see something clear, don't bother starting.

Another peculiarity of people who achieve their dream is their great enthusiasm for achieving it. Every time you visualize your dream, you should notice passion and enthusiasm in achieving it.

The vision must be lasting, not fleeting ... as if it were a movie in which you see the end and it has many episodes.

Self-esteem is very important to start building the dream . You must believe it: if you believe, you believe. You don't need to have the approval of others because everyone will never like you. Follow your instinct and intuition, be you.

Remember, if you don't love yourself, you will never love others.

When you help others it is because you have helped yourself first.

You must first love yourself in order to love others.

People with low self-esteem beg for affection from others. And the love you receive will never be enough.

A person with healthy self-esteem will make things work that were not working, they will not depend emotionally on anyone and obsessions will no longer take place within their emotions.

Important : Explain your dream out loud , when you explain and communicate it you begin to sow your dream and believe it. You will begin to live it as if you had already achieved it. Explain your dream, not how to get there!!

Surround yourself with dreamy people like you. Like attracts like. Don't build your dream with indecisive and indifferent people. Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are...

Grow every day as a person, improve every day. We need to feel that every day we are better to motivate ourselves and be able to reach the goal.

Faith is key , it is the conviction of what is expected. I maintain my vision every day of my dream and my faith, little by little, is making it a reality, with a lot of will and perseverance.

Hope and vision are the same, it will take time to achieve the dream: the bigger, surely, the more difficult.

The three phases I have gone through to achieve my dream of marketing and helping people feel good with my Gemma's Dream formulas are:

1st Phase: Birth of the dream: I had a dream when I was little that was almost an obsession. I always visualized myself as pretty and attractive when I grew up, with the desire not to age. And cosmetics caught my attention: For me, as a child, they were like medicines, and I thought that if I applied them I would never age. I thought that mom's anti-wrinkle creams would be my panacea. Serious mistake, since a teenager with oily skin, applying anti-wrinkle cream, caused severe acne, which is why expert advice is important.

Everything led me to study pharmacy and cosmetology and create my first formulas in 1998 and experiment with myself and many people, sharing the results.

Excellent results, but poor business management...

2nd Phase: Death of the dream: the feeling that no one helps me... I had to start from scratch as a solo entrepreneur, in 2017. I felt alone and with many doubts, I only had a clear vision: to launch my formulas on the market again , improving them in innovation.

Failing is part of achieving success. Enthusiasm and perseverance were the rebirth of my story. My G brand, my footprint with a history of personal and professional improvement, that can help similar people, with ADHD, people with great creativity, but less logic and organization. I knew as an adult that I had it, because my son was diagnosed, but I did know as a child and teenager that something was happening to me that was not happening to others. I felt different, limited at times, and with super powers at others.

My dream is not only to innovate in formulas, but to promote a healthy lifestyle, which takes into account the skin, but also the mind and body. We are a whole. Although it is true that, if you look good, you feel better, and if you are calm, without stress, you look better...

3rd Phase: Resurrection. When people believe in you, and you see light along the way.

When we have been recognized several times for quality and innovation it is encouraging.

When you start to make your dream come true, you should know that, at first, you are happy, but when you start, other people's buts begin. It seems like everything goes wrong, this is when, more than ever, you must believe in yourself, continue to have passion and enthusiasm, and not listen to the negative, but rather the constructive advice that drives you, from people who know and have been through it. same as you.

Everything that seems like the pain of death, of suffering, of fatigue, is pain to give birth to sleep. When it seems like it's over, that's when it really begins. You have to fight every day, but also learn to manage time, not live it obsessively; and also enjoy your family, your partner... and take some time for yourself.

Every day is a learning experience. Everything you do, even if it seems like it's useless, adds up. And, one action after another, will make you conquer your dream.

Do something new every day. Learning enriches the soul.

I have always been very restless, hyperactive, and that helps me stay up to date with many things. But, on the other hand, it generates anxiety that I learn to manage better every day. I never imagined myself meditating, I thought it was for a hippy world... I was a soccer player, a dancer... no yoga, no meditation, no pilates...

We can never say, "I will not drink this water." You have to adapt to what your body and mind need, and be flexible in your thinking. For a few months now I have been meditating several times a day. And, above all, I learn to breathe well.

Don't expect anyone to save you and come to your rescue. We all wait for that person to help us, but the truth is that only you, with your decisions, will achieve your dream. Others will influence, but you decide every day.

We need to learn to be free and not expect anything from others. If he comes, he will be welcome.

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. When I got divorced 12 years ago, I wanted to be an example for my children, and I could only be so with my purpose of pursuing that dream that I told them so much about when they were little.

I believe people, not because of what they say or do, but because of how they make me feel. And being exemplary, pursuing my dream, I think it is a good lesson, because it can help them connect with their own.

John Maxwell said: "At 18 I worried about what people said about me, at 40 I didn't worry about what people thought of me and at 60 I realized that no one had ever thought about me."

I have reached a part of the dream, but I still have a long way to go... In the course of the dream, you will learn to lead and win your own battles, and to recover from falls.

When you start to dream big and are willing to direct your dream, the resources you need will come to you. A dream makes you see and will fill you with a lot of energy that will infect others, and they will want to join it.

We will continue walking towards our goal, Gemma's Dream, the dream of the health and beauty of your skin, and your mind.

Thank you to all of you who join us on the path to leave a mark of health and beauty in the world: The G of Great dream beautylife.

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