From the moment we are born we begin to age, it is a complex process that will accompany us throughout our lives. First of all we have to accept it.
We have to be aware of this, we have to create Beautylife routines to live longer and with a better quality of life. Preventive routines that will help us do this.
The skin is the part of the body that we see, our image, just like the rest of the body ages and the signs that warn us are wrinkles, spots, redness, sagging, dark circles, bags...
First, prevent and when signs of aging appear, correct and repair them.
In the body in general, aging manifests itself with less energy, chronic pain in bones, joints... due to chronic internal inflammation caused by free radicals.

In the skin, we must distinguish two types of aging:
- Chronological aging: With the passage of time, skin cells progressively lose the ability to perform their functions correctly.
The most prominent cells are collagen and elastin, which lose elasticity and flexibility, causing wrinkles to appear. The skin in general loses tone, luminosity and density, it can look thin and dull, and spots also appear.
These spots can be due to hormonal changes, pregnancy, melasma or menopause...
- Photo aging: This is premature aging of the skin due to the action of UVB rays; UVA, IR and now visible light, caused by excess sun. The skin has memory, and remembers these excesses, causing inflammation of the melanocytes that causes excess melanin synthesis. In this case the skin appears rough, sallow and with fine, deep wrinkles, and in advanced ages abundant spots such as solar lentigo.
Causes of skin aging:
At the cellular level, the main cause of aging is the oxidation of cellular elements, structural proteins, DNA and the cell membrane. Those directly responsible for this oxidation are free radicals.
The exposome, the lifestyle we lead will make these factors worse: cold and dry climate, unbalanced diet, tobacco and alcohol abuse, excess radiation, stress and anxiety...
Only 25% depends on our genetics, so that is why I say that aging with quality of life is optional.
The theory of aging that affects free radicals is so clear that what we must do is fight them, both with foods rich in antioxidants and in skin cosmetics with antioxidant ingredients.
There is a theory about telomere shortening , which we will talk about in another post.
But what is clear in both theories is that the exposome or our lifestyle is the key, with stress and emotional management having a very important function.
What are the free radicals?
They are very unstable toxic molecules that damage the cell. This oxidation causes irreparable damage to vital elements such as DNA, membrane lipids, structural proteins...
We can differentiate two sources of free radicals:
- Internal source: simple breathing oxidizes us, the same oxygen we breathe causes free radicals.
- . External source: External factors such as tobacco, alcohol, solar and computer radiation, stress...generate a large amount of free radicals.
The most important source of free radicals in the skin is solar radiation.
What effects do free radicals cause?
The body in general has an endogenous, protective antioxidant defense system that neutralizes free radicals. If these defenses are overcome by an excess of free radicals, a situation of oxidative stress occurs.
Oxidative stress causes chronic inflammation in the body, and with it diseases.
Our focus is the protection of the body from oxidative stress.
The skin defends itself against these free radicals by applying antioxidants topically and eating a diet rich in antioxidants. Substances capable of neutralizing free radicals.
The skin has a complex antioxidant system, perfectly interrelated.
Enzymatic antioxidants:
They neutralize radicals in a specific way.
The most important:
- Glutathione Peroxidase requires Glutathione and Selenium for its proper functioning.
- Superoxide dismutase (SOD), for it to work correctly, requires Copper, Zinc and Manganese.
- Catalase.
Free radical scavengers:
Carotenoids: found mainly in green vegetables, green vegetables, yellow, red or orange vegetables and fruits. They stabilize cell membranes, protecting them from cellular oxidation.
Beta-carotene, ingested with vegetables, such as carrots, is absorbed in the intestines and part of it is transformed into Vitamin A and the rest passes to the liver where it will undergo the same process.
Lycopene, a carotenoid pigment found almost exclusively in tomatoes, gives them this red color. Lycopene is not a precursor to Vitamin A.
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) : It is the most active form of antioxidants, vitamin E is the most important of antioxidants. It is fat-soluble, it sequesters free radicals that attack cell membranes.
The richest sources of foods with alpha-tocopherol are nuts such as hazelnuts and almonds, oil, vegetables, greens and cereals.
👉We need about 10 mg a day to have optimal antioxidant action.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid): This is a very unstable antioxidant, it oxidizes quickly but has the ability to regenerate vitamin E.
In general we find it in fruits and vegetables, the tastiest are cauliflower, strawberries, lemons, oranges, peppers... 👉We need 60 mg daily.

Can we help the skin and delay premature aging?
Yes. We can strengthen the endogenous antioxidant system by providing antioxidant substances that neutralize the free radicals directly responsible for skin aging.
Through food, nutritional supplements and topically we can provide the skin with:
- Antioxidant vitamins, such as C, E
- Carotenoid pigments: beta-carotene, lycopene, astaxanthin…
- Trace elements: Necessary for the correct functioning of enzymes, such as Zinc, copper, selenium, manganese...
- Natural antioxidants such as resveratrol from grapes, green tea rich in polyphenols,…
How to prevent photo aging?
Photo aging is premature aging of the skin due to excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays from solar radiation.
If we abuse the sun and do not protect ourselves, when we are 40 we will look 55.
To prevent this premature aging:
- Let's strengthen the body's natural defenses against solar radiation, through nutritional supplements, food and melanin precursors.
- Use of topical photoprotectors, key. Now also take into account the blue light photo protection of the screens. There is overexposure to screens due to teleworking, and in dark skin with photo type 3-4 it can cause spots. We must provide antioxidants to prevent these radiations.
- Drink water and antioxidant juices.
- Doing sports helps de-stress the body in general. Always protecting the skin outdoors.
- Resting the hours that your body asks of you. Every person is a world.
- Learning to manage our emotions, preventing stress and anxiety.
Among the Gemmasdream Skin Boosters , I recommend
- Instant Beauty by day
- Revital Premium at night
The perfect preventive and corrective antioxidant combination, with active ingredients that also revitalize and correct the signs of aging.
Well aging, well being, well ness
Beauty life by Gemma's Dream